
Whether you have specific skills or simply a desire to make a difference, whether you have many hours or just a few, Worthwhile Wear has a place for you to get involved. Thank you for your interest in being part of the solution to ending modern day slavery! We could not do what we do without the valuable contributions of our volunteers.


Day Volunteers are utilized for specific projects or events within Worthwhile Wear. Day Volunteer roles are perfect for small groups, businesses, or individuals who just want to commit to volunteering one or two days. We are so grateful for these individuals and groups who help us tackle big projects!

  • Construction work team at The Well
  • Grounds crews at The Well
  • Spread wood chips along the .75 mile trail at The Well
  • Cut down dead trees along the driveway and walking trail at The Well
  • Help at Worthwhile Thrift stores during a special sale day
  • Special Events & Fundraisers
  • Help prepare mailings for supporters
  • Create graduation gift bags for Worth It participants


We know that healing happens in the context of relationship, which is why we seek out volunteers who want to walk alongside survivors in both big and small ways. As The Well continues to grow and our needs increase, the contributions of volunteers are extremely important.

    Volunteers would drive participants to and from local appointments or their places of work.
    Generally, someone is at the house 24/7. If there's a staff meeting or one woman is being driven to an appointment or work, someone needs to cover the house. The more women living at The Well, the greater the need for both drivers and house coverage.
    The women at The Well thrive off healthy relationships and that takes time. Consider taking a woman out for lunch, treating her to a mani/pedi, or just spending some quality time with her. It's often times in this context of being a companion where sharing a personal hobby might be of interest to the participant.
    If you have a skill or trade you are interested in sharing with the participants at The Well, we would love to host you! We welcome anyone who would like to donate their time in either teaching speciality classes or providing services for free. For example, we have an esthetician who treats the participants to monthly skincare sessions that include skincare education! More examples: nutritionists, massage therapists, nail technicians/cosmetologists, chefs, art teachers, etc.


Volunteers help keep costs low and allow for more funding to be directed to Worthwhile Wear's restorative programs. Worthwhile Thrift in Plumsteadville and Collegeville is open Monday-Saturday 10:00-7:00 pm. Shifts are generally 4 hours and scheduled when convenient to the volunteer.

Thrift store volunteers receive a 50% discount off of all thrift items.

  • Organizing clothing racks and displays
  • Re-stocking clothing, shoes, accessories, books and housewares
  • Ringing up customers' purchases and provide general customer service
  • Helping change seasonal displays
  • Providing information and answering questions about Worthwhile Wear
  • Store cleaning


  1. Fill out Application
  2. Provide a copy of your PA Criminal Background check
  3. Complete any in-person training
  4. Complete online training by the end of the first three months

Volunteers under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. For more information or questions about volunteering, please email Volunteer@WorthwhileWear.org

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