Keep up the good work! You can submit miles as many times as you like between May 1 and July 30, "World Day Against Trafficking".

To go the extra mile, help us raise awareness about the issue of trafficking by sharing the one of the images below (or your own image) on social media so others can join in this important endeavor.

Every mile matters.

Tap and hold or right click to save the following images to share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter:

Tap and hold or right click to save the following images to share on Instagram or Facebook stories:

Not sure what to say? Try this:

Make your miles matter! The miles that you walk, run, bike, row, or even swim can help survivors of human trafficking when you participate in the 2022 Act Challenge. Every mile logged on Worthwhile Wear's website ( translates into a donation to help survivors of human trafficking have a safe place to heal from their trauma.

Log miles now through July 30, "World Day Against Trafficking" to join the movement!

@worthwhilewear #actworthwhile


"I am learning that I have a voice and I AM ENOUGH! My past no longer defines me and I am forever grateful for this program and all the people involved!"


"This program helped me, along with the help of some really amazing women, accept my past and move forward towards being the person I know I can be. I know now that I have a story to tell!"


"This program is a wonderful way to learn about yourself. The HELP that we received is something that I’ll be forever grateful for, and I will carry the tools I’ve learned for the rest of my life. You are worth it!"


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